Is public speaking anxiety part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
Do you have speech anxiety? Here's how your body reacts during the fight-or-flight response, and what you can do about it. read more »
Do you suffer from presentation anxiety—and its worst outcome, an overwhelming need to escape? Here's how to recognize and head off a public speaking panic attack! read more »
Got a big speech or presentation coming up? Why make it harder than it should be? Here are 7 proven ways to take the pressure off yourself. read more »
Does public speaking make you anxious? Audiences are on your side! Here's how to make it easy for audiences to like you. read more »
Do you suffer from performance anxiety? Here's an actor's advice on how to prevent a panic attack from fear of public speaking. read more »
How to Start a Speech Confidently and Effectively
Feel shaky at the start of a presentation? Take too long to get into the groove? Here are three great ways to start a speech confidently and effectively. read more »
Do you suffer from performance anxiety? Here's an actor's advice on how to overcome a panic attack from fear of public speaking. read more »
Is fear of public speaking part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
5-Minute Technique to Calm Your Fear of Public Speaking
Stage fright bothering you and impacting your career? Here's a powerful 5-minute technique to calm your fear of public speaking. read more »