Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Need To Persuade? — Here's How It's Done

Mar 10, 2024 by Gary Genard

Do you need to persuade prospects, customers, or clients? How about your own employees? When it comes to speaking persuasively, here's how it's done. read more »

How to Survive Q & A and Even Make Your Message Stronger

Apr 16, 2023 by Gary Genard

Facing tough questions or pushback in a speech or presentation? Here's how to survive Q & A—and even make your message stronger! read more »

How to Start a Speech Confidently and Effectively

Mar 26, 2023 by Gary Genard

Feel shaky at the start of a presentation? Take too long to get into the groove? Here are three great ways to start a speech confidently and effectively. read more »

My Top 10 Public Speaking Blogs of 2022

Jan 01, 2023 by Gary Genard

Ready to transform your speeches, presentations, and meetings in 2023? Here's some help: my Top 10 Public Speaking Blogs of 2022. read more »

Want Audiences to Like You More? Do This!

Mar 13, 2022 by Gary Genard

Are you trying to make audiences like you more? That's not how it's done! Here's the key to achieving likability and influence with listeners. read more »

The Smart Way to Get Your Audience to Take Some Action

Sep 05, 2021 by Gary Genard

Looking for a smart way to get your public speaking audience to take some action? Here's how to do it reliably and successfully! read more »

Leadership Skills — How to Persuade Any Audience

May 09, 2021 by Gary Genard

Key to leadership skills is knowing how to inspire and activate listeners. Here are 6 exciting performance-based ways to persuade any audience. read more »

Want to Persuade People? — Understand Their Culture!

Nov 29, 2020 by Gary Genard

How do you get through to listeners when you speak? If you want to persuade people, understand their culture! read more »

How to Turn On Your Audience's Positive Emotions

Feb 23, 2020 by Gary Genard

Want listeners to be on your side and feel good about your speech? Here's how to use storytelling (and more) to turn on your audience's positive emotions. read more »

The 10 Biggest Public Speaking Errors (and How to Avoid Them)

Dec 01, 2019 by Gary Genard

Do you know the best practices for presentation success? Here are the 10 biggest public speaking errors (and how to avoid them)! read more »

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