Looking to make a big splash professionally next year? Here's some help: my Top 10 Public Speaking Blogs of 2023.
How do you make a difference when you speak in your job? There's the rub (as Hamlet might say, meaning: yeah, that's the challenge)!
At least this year saw us on firmer ground professionally as to where we're delivering our pitches, speeches, and presentations. We seem to have come up with a workable model concerning working at home vs. coming into the office. Many of us now have a hybrid job that includes both. And of course, presenting in-person or speaking virtually both demand our best.
Get ready the right way for 2024! Learn the skills of great communicators. Visit my Business Speaker's Library. You'll also find it here on Amazon. Or click on this image:
As always in Speak for Success!, here's a list of my 10 most popular blogs of the preceding year. Feel free to follow the links below to any blog that interests you. Or review articles you found particularly useful. Let's Go, 2024!
#10 How To Make Your Presentations Extraordinary
As you know, great presentations never depend only upon content. Your presence and skill at handling an audience are far more important. Learn my four ingredients for extraordinary presentations. Are you still on the launch pad? Let's get your talk to take off like a rocket!
#9 How To Speak To A Large Group Without Fear
Making a big difference in your field often means presenting before big audiences. Are you ready . . . or nervous? Here's how to put a positive spin on speaking to a large group. Because, after all, these people share your interest. And they can spread your message near and far!
#8 Leadership Skills: The 5 Essential Speaking Techniques
Do you know how to speak for leadership? Learn these 5 essential speaking techniques so you gain maximum impact and influence. Get ready to discover how to engage and inspire any audience—whatever the size, and however important they are.
#7 If You Worry About Public Speaking, It Should Only Be About This
Let's face it: few things create more worry and fear than a make-or-break presentation. The problem isn't your potential performance, however; it's your thinking. Read this article to learn how to succeed with audiences while developing presence.
#6 How to Raise Your Credibility in Your Next Presentation
You need to be perceived as credible if people are going to listen to you, right? So how do you establish your credibility without sounding like you're bragging? This article provides four easy ways to boost an audience's confidence and trust in you while you're speaking.
#5 What Your Voice Reveals About You As A Communicator
Welcome to the wonder of your voice! It’s your most powerful performance tool for persuading and moving audiences. Here's how to understand and correct vocal problems you may have. If you get to be a memorable speaker, one reason will most likely be because of your voice.
#4 The Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking
This article can be a game-changer for you. It reveals how to engage and move audiences every time. Because this simple truth hasn't changed for centuries: when it comes to communication skills, great speaking means great performing! Here are six ways to get there.
#3 How to Develop a Warmer and More Pleasant Voice
What's not to like about a speaker who's actually enjoyable to listen to vocally? Is that you? People judge your ability, likability, and honesty partly by the quality of your voice. In this article, I offer 5 simple ways to develop an engaging vocal style.
#2 How to Start a Speech Confidently and Effectively
Feel shaky at the start of a presentation? Take too long to get into the groove? It's extremely important that you start out strongly, so audiences are primed to listen! Want three ways to hit the ground running with any speech or presentation? Revisit this blog!
And now, ladies and gentlemen, this year's winner . . . .
#1 How Many Times Should You Practice A Speech?
It's an important question, and one speech coaches get a lot. So, here's an actor's advice: not as many times as you think! I may have ruffled some feathers with this one, but that's okay. Peacock that I am, I offer you here tips on how to practice your speech for maximum effect.
And that, my friends, is that. As always, a heartfelt thank you for sharing your exciting journey through the world of public speaking and the influence you can achieve. Break a leg in '24!
You'll find all my public speaking books here at The Genard Method's Business Speaker's Library. And here are some of our free resources!
You should follow me on Twitter here.
Gary Genard is an actor, author, and expert in public speaking and overcoming speaking fear. His company, The Genard Method offers live 1:1 Zoom executive coaching and corporate group training worldwide. In 2022 for the ninth consecutive year, Gary has been ranked by Global Gurus as One of the World’s Top 30 Communication Professionals. He is the author of the Amazon Best-Seller How to Give a Speech. His second book, Fearless Speaking, was named in 2019 as "One of the 100 Best Confidence Books of All Time." His handbook for presenting in videoconferences, Speaking Virtually offers strategies and tools for developing virtual presence in online meetings. His latest book is Speak for Leadership: An Executive Speech Coach's Secrets for Developing Leadership Presence. Contact Gary here.
Main photo credit: boliviainteligente on unsplash.com