Do you deliver solid content but sound as if you're speaking in tones of gray? Here's how to spice up your voice by adding color to your presentations! read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
How To Give a Great Speech While Using Notes Or a Script
Wouldn't you rather fire up an audience than read to them? Here's how to give a great speech while using notes or a script. read more »
How To Cook Your Presentations So They Come Out 'Nice'
Are you giving cookie-cutter presentations? They should be uniquely your own! Here's how to cook your presentations so they come out 'nice'! read more »
7 Bad Public Speaking Habits — Are You Guilty Of Them?
You’ve heard lots of advice on improving your public speaking. But what about the bad habits you may need to break? Here’s how to know if you're guilty! read more »
5 Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Public Speaking
Want your contributions to be recognized for career advancement? Let's hear from you! Here are 5 reasons why you should improve your public speaking. read more »
Are You Speaking From Notes Or A Written Speech? — You Can Still Be Effective!
What's wrong with having a speech in front of you? Nothing! Here's how to speak from notes or a written speech and still be effective! read more »
Had a brain freeze while presenting? Don't worry―your career isn't over. Here are 5 ways to recover and get back in the game! read more »
Do you know how to use pauses effectively in public speaking? Here's how to use the power of the pause in every one of your speeches and presentations. read more »
An Easy Way To Be A More Enjoyable and Memorable Speaker
How good a performer are you when you present? It matters as much as your content! Here's an easy way to be a more enjoyable and memorable speaker. read more »
How The Movies Can Make You A Better Speaker
Can the movies show you how to improve your presentation skills? Sure! Here are five movie performances that can make you a better speaker. read more »