Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

How To Create An Effective Conclusion

Apr 07, 2024 by Gary Genard

If you want your influence to last when you give a speech, end vividly and memorably. Here's how to create an effective conclusion. read more »

Bravo! — How to End a Speech Vividly and Memorably

May 26, 2019 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to hook an audience, then conclude powerfully every time you speak? Here's how to end a speech vividly and memorably. read more »

Mark Twain's Best Quotes and How to Use Them in Public Speaking

Sep 08, 2013 by Gary Genard

“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” -- Mark Twain When it comes to presentations that wow audiences, you can't do better than learning at the feet of an ... read more »

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