Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

The Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking

Oct 08, 2023 by Gary Genard

Want to know how to engage and move audiences every time? Here are speech expert Dr. Gary Genard's Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking. read more »

How to Start a Speech Confidently and Effectively

Mar 26, 2023 by Gary Genard

Feel shaky at the start of a presentation? Take too long to get into the groove? Here are three great ways to start a speech confidently and effectively. read more »

Want Audiences to Like You More? Do This!

Mar 13, 2022 by Gary Genard

Are you trying to make audiences like you more? That's not how it's done! Here's the key to achieving likability and influence with listeners. read more »

4 Ways to Engage and Influence Audiences

Oct 17, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you think your job is to deliver information in a presentation? Be memorable instead! Here are 4 ways to engage and influence audiences. read more »

The Smart Way to Get Your Audience to Take Some Action

Sep 05, 2021 by Gary Genard

Looking for a smart way to get your public speaking audience to take some action? Here's how to do it reliably and successfully! read more »

How to Hit Your Mark when Speaking to Audiences

May 16, 2021 by Gary Genard

Does your message resonate with stakeholders? Here's how to always hit your mark when speaking to important audiences. read more »

How to Focus Your Thoughts for Great Public Speaking

May 17, 2020 by Gary Genard

Do your presentation skills create maximum impact and influence? Here's how to focus your thoughts for great public speaking! read more »

Speak for Success! How to Live in Your Audience's World

Nov 10, 2019 by Gary Genard

Do you plan your talks for maximum impact on listeners? Here's how to live in your audience's world to speak for success! read more »

Do You Know How to Engage an Audience?

Jun 16, 2019 by Gary Genard

Are you an expert in your field who is missing the mark with listeners? Here's the one skill you need to know how to engage an audience! read more »

What Do You Want to Share? — How to Interest an Audience

Jun 09, 2019 by Gary Genard

Want listeners to instantly grasp the importance of what you're saying? Here's the foolproof way to know how to interest an audience. read more »

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