Feel shaky at the start of a presentation? Take too long to get into the groove? Here are three great ways to start a speech confidently and effectively. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
How to Start a Speech Confidently and Effectively
Are your presentation slides as effective as possible? Here's some advice on what your opening and closing PowerPoint slides should look like. read more »
Want Audiences to Like You More? Do This!
Are you trying to make audiences like you more? That's not how it's done! Here's the key to achieving likability and influence with listeners. read more »
Should I Start Out with a Joke? . . . Well, Should You?
It's a question as old as business speaking: Should I start out with a joke? . . . The answer is clear, and here it is. read more »
The Smart Way to Get Your Audience to Take Some Action
Looking for a smart way to get your public speaking audience to take some action? Here's how to do it reliably and successfully! read more »
How To Be In the Moment for Connecting with Your Audience
When you present in public speaking, do you embody presence and charisma on stage? Here's how to be in the moment for connecting with your audience! read more »
Speak for Success! How to Live in Your Audience's World
Do you plan your talks for maximum impact on listeners? Here's how to live in your audience's world to speak for success! read more »
The Best Way to Choose a Great Speech Topic
Interested in knowing exactly what an audience is hoping to hear? Here's the best way to choose a great speech topic. read more »
How to Be Persuasive If You're a Data Scientist
Do you need to convey critical data to convince a client? Learn how to tell an effective story! Here's how to be persuasive if you're a data scientist. read more »
How to Reach Audiences in the One Way that Matters
Do you want to speak with real impact? Then forget about saying something beautiful. Here's how to reach audiences in the one way that matters. read more »