How good a performer are you when you present? It matters as much as your content! Here's an easy way to be a more enjoyable and memorable speaker. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
An Easy Way To Be A More Enjoyable and Memorable Speaker
10 Focusing Techniques To Help You Speak For Leadership
Do you deliver remarks, or change people's lives? Show the skills of a leader! Follow these 10 focusing techniques that will help you speak for leadership. read more »
To speak memorably, learn how to command a room—including physically! Here are 5 body language mistakes you need to stop making in your presentations. read more »
Memorizing Your Speech ... Should You or Shouldn't You?
Memorizing your speech . . . should you or shouldn't you? Here's the surprising truth about when memorization helps you nail a presentation! read more »
Sure, you want to be ready for your presentation. But your speech preparation needs to be done the right way—not the wrong way. Here's how to do it right. read more »
Are your presentation slides as effective as possible? Here's some advice on what your opening and closing PowerPoint slides should look like. read more »
Why You Are the Message Every Time You Speak
Do you realize that your performance in a speech or presentation is as important as the content? Here's why you are the message every time you speak! read more »
A Surefire Way to Achieve Your Purpose in a Presentation
Got great information? A fancy slide deck? Those things are fine, but here's a surefire way to achieve your purpose in a presentation. read more »
Want to actually engage and inspire people with your slide decks? Here's a new and creative way to perform effectively while using PowerPoint! read more »
Do you know how to connect with audiences in presentations and speeches? Here are 4 key performance techniques for successful public speaking. read more »