Is public speaking anxiety part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
Got a big speech or presentation coming up? Why make it harder than it should be? Here are 7 proven ways to take the pressure off yourself. read more »
Did you know breath is a powerful tool for calming your nerves? Here's how you can breathe for the most confident public speaking. read more »
Do you struggle with speech anxiety and stage fright? Here are twelve positive mantras that will transform your speaking confidence. read more »
Is speech anxiety holding you back in your career? If you have fear of public speaking, this is how you should change your thinking! read more »
Is fear of public speaking part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
How to Deal With a Dominant Person When You're Presenting
Is a boss or senior exec flustering you in meetings and presentations? Here's how to deal with a dominant person when you're presenting. read more »
Is speech anxiety or stage fright holding you back? Here's how to get over your fear of public speaking, by changing your thinking! read more »
Do tough questions (or negative body language) from listeners give you presentation anxiety? Here's how to find help . . . within yourself! read more »
Two Ways to Build Confidence for Fear of Public Speaking
Does the thought of looking nervous in a speech unsettle you? Here are two ways to build confidence for fear of public speaking. read more »