Ready to be a brilliant speaker in speeches, presentations, pitches, and meetings? Command every stage and motivate any audience with Speak for Leadership!
Want to know how to engage, persuade, and inspire any audience? If you need to lead when you speak, that's the territory you need to be comfortable in.
These days, it's not enough to be successful in speeches, presentations, meetings, and videoconferences. With the vast number of people and types of audiences you can reach, you have to speak with maximum impact and influence. That goes for you individually, as a team, and for anyone who speaks on behalf of your organization.
Introducing my latest book for extraordinary public speaking: Speak for Leadership: How to Engage, Persuade, and Inspire Any Audience.
Discover an executive speech coach's secrets for developing leadership presence. Pre-order your copy here for shipment by January 15, 2022!
Speak as a Leader with Poise, Presence, and Power!
Are you as successful as you’d like to be when you speak to clients, customers, prospects, boards, employees, or conference audiences? Whenever you are front-and-center expressing your ideas, you are naturally the leader in the room. Learn how to embody that role with poise, presence, and power!
If you're speaking as a leader, you're always in the spotlight. Discover here how to instill the confidence in listeners you need to succeed.
As an actor and speech coach, I wrote Speak for Leadership so you can engage, persuade, and inspire any audience—whether large or small, and no matter its makeup. You'll discover how cutting-edge research in neuroscience and emotion, storytelling, body language, voice, and audience dynamics can transform the way you move listeners. This guide to more profitable speaking will show you:
- How to fully develop your natural talents.
- Secrets for greater clarity, conciseness, and confidence.
- Ways to hook an audience within sixty seconds.
- Storytelling tips to move listeners emotionally.
- Essential qualities of speaking for leadership.
- An actor’s techniques for commanding a stage.
- How to achieve virtual presence . . . and much more!
Have you thought about what you can accomplish when you show leadership presence as a speaker? Speak for Leadership is about getting the results you're looking for!
By the way, you'll find all my books on my new author's site here. Come visit!
12 Chapters on Improving Your Speaking Persona
The truth is, you're always giving a performance when you interact with others. Speak for Leadership is a primer on influencing listeners and getting the results you want every time you speak. It's truly about shaping the face you show the world. Here are the chapters you'll be reading:
Chapter 1: Can You Learn Leadership Presence? . . . YES!
Chapter 2: Why You're a Natural Performer
Chapter 3: How to Make Yourself Memorable
Chapter 4: Overcoming Nerves and Speaking with Confidence
Chapter 5: Breathing for Focus and Power
Chapter 6: Vocal Dynamics: Transforming Your Relationship with Your Audience
Chapter 7: Body Language: The Art of Physical Expression
Chapter 8: Grab 'Em in Sixty Seconds — How to Start a Speech
Chapter 9: Storytelling to Create an Emotional Response
Chapter 10: The 7 Essential Qualities of Speaking for Leadership
Chapter 11: 5 Powerful Ways to Command a Stage
Chapter 12: Speaking with Presence in Video Conferences
Learn the best practices for making your presentations memorable and actionable. Pre-order your copy of Speak for Leadership with delivery by January 15, 2022.
"Speak for Leadership is an extraordinary book! It’s a strikingly original approach to speaking strategically yet with a strong sense of performance."
— Rebecca Brewster, President and COO, American Transportation Research Institute
You should follow me on Twitter here.
Gary Genard is an actor, author, and expert in public speaking training and overcoming speaking fear. His company, Boston-based The Genard Method offers live 1:1 Zoom executive coaching and corporate group training worldwide. In 2021 for the eighth consecutive year, Gary has been ranked by Global Gurus as One of the World’s Top 30 Communication Professionals. He is the author of the Amazon Best-Seller How to Give a Speech. His second book, Fearless Speaking, was named in 2019 as "One of the 100 Best Confidence Books of All Time." His third book, The Online Meetings Handbook is available here and at Amazon. To know more about The Genard Method's services, Contact Gary here.