Speaking to the leadership of your organization? You need a specific set of skills. Here are 5 ways to be more effective when you speak to leaders. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
5 Ways to Be More Effective When You Speak to Leaders
Do audiences love hearing you speak? They should! Here are 9 positive character traits you should show whenever you speak. read more »
How To Cook Your Presentations So They Come Out 'Nice'
Are you giving cookie-cutter presentations? They should be uniquely your own! Here's how to cook your presentations so they come out 'nice'! read more »
Is speech anxiety holding you back in your career? If you have fear of public speaking, this is how you should change your thinking! read more »
Want to be someone who can speak to listeners' hearts as well as their minds? Here's an easy and powerful way to connect emotionally with your audience. read more »
Want to maximize your presence in meetings and presentations? This simple and amazing skill will boost your public speaking presence. read more »
Does public speaking make you anxious? Audiences are on your side! Here's how to make it easy for audiences to like you. read more »
Actors are the world's best speakers when it comes to moving audiences! Here are 5 acting techniques for greater stage presence in public speaking. read more »
Anyone can read from PowerPoint slides or spreadsheets. Do you give listeners more? Here's how the vocal aspects of your presentations make you memorable. read more »
Want to be a presenter or keynote speaker who moves audiences? Here's how to achieve emotional power in your speeches and presentations. read more »