Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

50 Easy Ways to Be Better at Public Speaking

  1. Conduct an audience analysis to understand your listeners' needs.
  2. Chat with people ahead of time so they're not an audience of strangers.
  3. Take 5 minutes to calm your nerves beforehand.
  4. Smile.
  5. Make strong eye contact with everyone, or to each section of an auditorium.
  6. Look only at your audience (not at your notes) in your greeting.
  7. Use one of the foolproof ways to open a speech.
  8. Always tell your audience why your topic matters to them.
  9. Make your gestures clean, strong, and few in number.
  10. Know and use the 5 key tools of vocal dynamics.
  11. Say "you" and "we" instead of "I" and "me."
  12. Ask questions (rhetorical or not) throughout your talk.
  13. Stand with your feet at armpit width so you look stable.
  14. Practice the 10 ways to stay fully focused when speaking.
  15. Pause before each new main point so your audience is alerted to pay attention.
  16. Find ways to incorporate appropriate humor.
  17. Avoid telling jokes.
  18. Watch out for body language errors that will sink your presentatation.
  19. Make the story you're telling more important than raw data.
  20. Say something surprising to start.
  21. If you're nervous, don't tell your audience. They may not see it.
  22. Get over yourself, because it ain't about you. That'll reduce nervousness too.
  23. Breathe with your diaphragm and project your sound from there.
  24. Give a performance, which is what your audience deserves.
  25. Memorize the first minute of your Intro and Conclusion, but no more.
  26. Know the four golden rules for using PowerPoint.
  27. End with something memorable so your speech continues to resonate.
  28. If you run out of time, go immediately to your strong last minute.
  29. Welcome questions and objections, which indicate continued interest.
  30. Move! (It helps you think and makes you visually interesting.)
  31. Watch TED talks and learn from the good and bad speakers.
  32. Learn the 7 tips for overcoming audience resistance.
  33. Trust silence.
  34. "Invent" important words and phrases as you say them, making them new.
  35. Never create a PowerPoint slide that reads "Thank you!" or "Questions?"
  36. Learn how to prepare a speech in 15 minutes.
  37. Use the "B" (go-to-black) button of PowerPoint to foster a discussion.
  38. Avoid showing a video to start, as videos are hard to follow.
  39. Reveal your main points first, so listeners know where you're going together.
  40. Say "In conclusion" near the end so your audience will stay with you.
  41. Learn the 5 secrets of captivating an audience.
  42. Read listeners' body language, and adjust your approach if they're bored.
  43. Prepare your message well, then share it rather than saying it word for word.
  44. Unlock your hands so there's no barrier between you and listeners.
  45. Come out from behind the lectern: The Devil's Tool.
  46. Know the 4 characteristics of an influential speaker.
  47. Deliver more than information. Inspire.
  48. Audiences make judgments in 30-60 seconds, so don't take time to "warm up."
  49. Trust that there are more people interested than show it on their faces.
  50. Have fun.

complete guide to effective public speaking


Tags: effective public speaking,PowerPoint,TED talks

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