Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

How to Survive Q & A

Apr 14, 2024 by Gary Genard

How do you feel about question-and-answer time at the end of your speech? Are you ready to shine? Here's how to not only survive Q & A , but sound great! read more »

The Power of the Words You Choose when You Speak

Apr 09, 2023 by Gary Genard

You possess a secret hidden power for public speaking. Want to know what it is? It's the power of the words you choose when you speak. read more »

Too Wordy? — 7 Ways to Speak Concisely!

Oct 10, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you get right to the point to speak with impact? If you're too wordy, here are 7 ways to speak concisely. read more »

10 Easy Ways to Make People Have More Confidence In You

Oct 06, 2019 by Gary Genard

Do you look and sound like someone who's a success? Here are 10 easy ways to make people have more confidence in you. read more »

Speak for Career Success! — The Top 5 Communication Skills

Apr 18, 2013 by Gary Genard

Want to know how to speak effectively for career success? Whether it's job interview skills, a formal presentation, or selling your ideas, speaking with precision and impact will help you become more ... read more »

Cat-and-Mouse: Are Your Speaking Skills Authentic or Cheesy?

Mar 14, 2013 by Gary Genard

For great speaking, you need to work on yourself as much as your presentations. It's not enough to simply deliver information—for as one of my clients in the investment industry said recently: ... read more »

The 7 Danger Zones of Q & A: Surviving for Effective Communication

Mar 18, 2012 by Gary Genard

Q & A is one of the most challenging aspects of public speaking. Yet it’s also one of your greatest opportunities to shine as a presenter. read more »

How to Have a "Dialogue" with Your Audience

Nov 10, 2011 by Gary Genard

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Audiences Want the Real You, Not a Polished Speaker

Nov 08, 2011 by Gary Genard

One of the fascinating things about speaking in public is that it reveals so much about who we are as human beings. As I tell my clients and trainees: even as a former actor, I would have to work ... read more »

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