Is public speaking anxiety part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
Do you struggle with speech anxiety and stage fright? Here are twelve positive mantras that will transform your speaking confidence. read more »
How Your Brain Tricks You Into Feeling Stage Fright
You have everything you need to be an effective speaker. So, why are you anxious? Here's how your brain tricks you into feeling stage fright. read more »
Is fear of public speaking part of your presentation mode? Here are three powerful strategies to get over nervous anticipation. read more »
How to Deal With a Dominant Person When You're Presenting
Is a boss or senior exec flustering you in meetings and presentations? Here's how to deal with a dominant person when you're presenting. read more »
Is speech anxiety or stage fright holding you back? Here's how to get over your fear of public speaking, by changing your thinking! read more »
Nervous Body Language: The Top 10 Signs You're Showing It
Are you revealing your nerves as a speaker? Here is my guide to 'Nervous Body Language,' and the top 10 signs you're showing it. read more »
Do tough questions (or negative body language) from listeners give you presentation anxiety? Here's how to find help . . . within yourself! read more »
Self-Conscious as a Speaker? — How to Calm Your Nerves and Gain Confidence
Are you self-conscious as a speaker? Here's how to calm your nerves and gain confidence when you need it most! read more »