Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Why Your Voice Matters in Business Speaking

May 28, 2023 by Gary Genard

Your voice is a key tool to help listeners process vital information and data. How skilled is yours? Here's why your voice matters in business speaking! read more »

Why You Are the Message Every Time You Speak

Nov 06, 2022 by Gary Genard

Do you realize that your performance in a speech or presentation is as important as the content? Here's why you are the message every time you speak! read more »

Want to Be a Great Speaker? — Here's How to Be Memorable!

Nov 28, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to be a great speaker or presenter? Then stop trying to be. Here's the right way to be memorable—by committing to your topic and audience! read more »

How to Improve Your Stage Presence for Public Speaking

Sep 29, 2019 by Gary Genard

Can you learn how to command a stage with charisma? The answer is yes! Here's how to improve your stage presence for public speaking. read more »

Richard Branson On Public Speaking: The Secret You Need to Know

Jul 09, 2017 by Gary Genard

Entrepreneur Richard Branson recently offered his "Top Tips" for public speaking success. Here's the secret you really need to know concerning what he says. read more »

How to Be a High-Energy Speaker with Great Stage Presence

Mar 05, 2017 by Gary Genard

One of the secrets of great speakers is generating high-energy stage presence. Here's how to speak with power while commanding a stage! read more »

The Secret Skill of Organizing a Presentation You Need to Know

Oct 23, 2016 by Gary Genard

There's a secret you should know about how to create more concise and powerful speeches. Here's how to become a presentation artist! read more »

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