How good a performer are you when you present? It matters as much as your content! Here's an easy way to be a more enjoyable and memorable speaker. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
An Easy Way To Be A More Enjoyable and Memorable Speaker
To speak memorably, learn how to command a room—including physically! Here are 5 body language mistakes you need to stop making in your presentations. read more »
The Key To Innovative Presentations At Your Company
Are your business's pitches, meetings, and presentations effective? Here is the key to creating innovative presentations at your company. read more »
Want some advice from the world's greatest speech expert? Here's how to open a presentation—by telling 'em what you're going to say. read more »
Want some advice from the world's greatest speech expert? Here's how to open a presentation—by telling them what you're going to say. read more »
Sure, you want to be ready for your presentation. But your speech preparation needs to be done the right way—not the wrong way. Here's how to do it right. read more »
How to Persuade People Every Time You Speak
How good are you at persuasion? Here's how to persuade people every time you speak—in pitches, sales, negotiations, and in every type of presentation. read more »
A Surefire Way to Achieve Your Purpose in a Presentation
Got great information? A fancy slide deck? Those things are fine, but here's a surefire way to achieve your purpose in a presentation. read more »
You don't want your boss to say, 'You could have said all that in two slides,' do you? Here's how to get your boss to love your presentation instead! read more »
Anyone can give an okay presentation. But what about when the tough questions come? Here's how to think on your feet and speak effectively under pressure! read more »