Want to know how to engage and move audiences every time? Here are speech expert Dr. Gary Genard's Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
The Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking
Talking with someone face to face is the richest and most immediate way to gain influence. So, to change the world, make your writing sound like speaking. read more »
Want to be a presenter or keynote speaker who moves audiences? Here's how to achieve emotional power in your speeches and presentations. read more »
How to Make Your Presentations Extraordinary
Great business speaking doesn't depend only upon content. Or even a strong performance. Here's how to make every one of your presentations extraordinary. read more »
The Power of the Words You Choose when You Speak
You possess a secret hidden power for public speaking. Want to know what it is? It's the power of the words you choose when you speak. read more »
Do you suffer from performance anxiety? Here's an actor's advice on how to prevent a panic attack from fear of public speaking. read more »
How Many Times Should You Practice a Speech?
How many times should you practice a speech or presentation? The good news is, not as many times as you think. (It will also make you more effective!) read more »
Why You Need Public Speaking Training In Business
Do you understand your business more than how to engage and persuade audiences? Probably! Here's why you need public speaking training in business. read more »
Do you suffer from performance anxiety? Here's an actor's advice on how to overcome a panic attack from fear of public speaking. read more »
Sure, you want to be ready for your presentation. But your speech preparation needs to be done the right way—not the wrong way. Here's how to do it right. read more »