Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Leadership Skills: The 5 Essential Speaking Techniques

Sep 03, 2023 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to speak for leadership? Learn these 5 essential speaking techniques for leadership skills that will give you maximum impact and influence! read more »

Want to Persuade People? — Understand Their Culture!

Nov 29, 2020 by Gary Genard

How do you get through to listeners when you speak? If you want to persuade people, understand their culture! read more »

Speak with Power! How to Sound Like a Leader

May 02, 2018 by Gary Genard

Want to speak with the voice of leadership? Learn the secret of developing your most powerful communication tool! read more »

Leadership Skills: The 5 Essential Speaking Techniques

Nov 19, 2017 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to speak for leadership? Learn these 5 essential speaking techniques for leadership skills that will give you maximum influence and impact! read more »

Presentation Technology . . . Are You Using It Effectively?

Nov 15, 2015 by Gary Genard

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Speaking for Leadership: 3 Key Body Language Techniques

Oct 18, 2015 by Gary Genard

Sometimes success in business comes down to small things with big implications. And they can hit you right out of the blue, from unexpected directions. I’d like to tell you the story of how I was ... read more »

How to Improve Your Vocal Presence on the Phone

Oct 11, 2015 by Gary Genard

How important is the sound of your voice on the phone? It’s always a contributing factor in how people perceive you and grasp your intentions, of course. But in some cases, your voice constitutes ... read more »

How Video Can Transform Your Public Speaking

Sep 20, 2015 by Gary Genard

It was an amazing testament to the power of using videotaping in public speaking training. And it came when I least expected it. read more »

7 Secrets for Delivering Blockbuster Presentations

Aug 16, 2015 by Gary Genard

As fall approaches and the pace of business is about to accelerate, it may be time to consider your upcoming presentations. Will they have maximum impact? Will they be memorable? When you deliver ... read more »

How to Speak the Language of Business Presentations

Aug 09, 2015 by Gary Genard

Over the last two weeks, I’ve been conducting my “Speak at Your Best!” workshop for teachers and business professionals in Todi, Italy. It’s been a great experience to offer the training in this ... read more »

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