Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

How To Prepare Like A Pro: The Essential Presentation Checklist

May 19, 2024 by Gary Genard

Want to take your speech's content and shape it into an impactful whole? Here's how to prepare like a pro with my essential presentation checklist. read more »

How to Breathe to Control Your Public Speaking Nerves

Jul 02, 2023 by Gary Genard

Do you suffer from speech anxiety? Want to become calmer and more confident? Here's how to breathe to control your public speaking nerves. read more »

How Many Times Should You Practice a Speech?

Mar 12, 2023 by Gary Genard

How many times should you practice a speech or presentation? The good news is, not as many times as you think. (It will also make you more effective!) read more »

The Best Way to Prepare and Practice a Presentation

Feb 13, 2022 by Gary Genard

Are you too busy putting together content to prepare the right way for public speaking? Here's the best way to prepare and practice a presentation read more »

Want to Look Good to Senior Leadership? Read Them a Children's Story!

Apr 18, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you feel like you lose your 'voice' when talking to your boss or the CEO? Here's how to tell a story so you look good to senior leadership! read more »

How to Make Your Message Clear and Powerful

Jul 12, 2020 by Gary Genard

Got what you want to say down pat? Think again! Here's a surprisingly easy yet effective way to make your message clear and powerful. read more »

How to Practice a Speech for the Best Results

Nov 11, 2018 by Gary Genard

Do you know the most powerful ways to move an audience? Here's how to practice a speech for the best results. read more »

Need a Memorable Pitch? Here Are 3 Key Steps for Success!

Jan 18, 2012 by Gary Genard

Want to deliver a memorable presentation or pitch? You should! After all, when you speak to persuade or bring in business, it should be an exciting experience for you and your listeners. read more »

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