Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

An Easy Way To Be A More Enjoyable and Memorable Speaker

Jun 30, 2024 by Gary Genard

How good a performer are you when you present? It matters as much as your content! Here's an easy way to be a more enjoyable and memorable speaker. read more »

How to Open a Presentation: Tell 'Em What You're Going to Say

Jul 09, 2023 by Gary Genard

Want some advice from the world's greatest speech expert? Here's how to open a presentation—by telling 'em what you're going to say. read more »

How to Open a Presentation: Tell Them What You're Going to Say

Mar 05, 2023 by Gary Genard

Want some advice from the world's greatest speech expert? Here's how to open a presentation—by telling them what you're going to say. read more »

Why Your Speaking Voice Is So Important in Business

Jul 10, 2022 by Gary Genard

Want to be recognized as a dynamic individual who can move people? Here's why your speaking voice is so important in business. read more »

How to Be Clear and Powerful when Presenting Your Ideas

May 29, 2022 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to deliver a speech with maximum impact? Here's how to be clear and powerful when presenting your ideas. read more »

5 Acting Techniques for Greater Stage Presence in Your Public Speaking

May 22, 2022 by Gary Genard

Ready for a standing ovation for your presentations? Here are 5 acting techniques for greater stage presence in your public speaking. read more »

Focus, Clarity, Breathing, Leadership — My Top 10 Public Speaking Blogs of 2021

Dec 26, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to master great presentation skills in 2022? Maybe this will help: here's a list of my top 10 public speaking blogs in 2021. read more »

Want to Be a Great Speaker? — Here's How to Be Memorable!

Nov 28, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to be a great speaker or presenter? Then stop trying to be. Here's the right way to be memorable—by committing to your topic and audience! read more »

Speech Improvement: 5 Ways to Make Your Voice Come to Life

Aug 15, 2021 by Gary Genard

Improving your speech for business is a power move. Here are 5 ways to make your voice come to life for valued stakeholders! read more »

To Dramatically Improve Your Eye Contact, Use This Public Speaking Technique

Jul 25, 2021 by Gary Genard

Eye contact is a key body language skill. To dramatically improve your eye contact, use this quick and easy public speaking technique! read more »

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