Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

5 Ways to Be a Credible Speaker Who Wins Over Audiences

May 21, 2023 by Gary Genard

How good are you at persuading people and gaining their confidence? Here are 5 ways to be a credible speaker who wins over audiences. read more »

The Best Way to Know If Your Speech Was a Success

Feb 16, 2020 by Gary Genard

So you think you nailed that high-stakes presentation. But did you really? Here's the best way to know if your speech was a success. read more »

How to Be a Strong Speaker in the Mind of Your Audience

Feb 09, 2020 by Gary Genard

Do you have stage presence when it comes to public speaking? Here's how to be a strong speaker in the mind of your audience. read more »

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