Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

How To Increase Your Power And Presence In Public Speaking

Jun 09, 2024 by Gary Genard

Want to have more impact as a speaker and presenter? Here's how to increase your power and presence in public speaking. read more »

How Do You Decide On The Language To Include In Your Presentations?

Jul 23, 2023 by Gary Genard

Do you sound like yourself when speaking? And do you choose words tied to your purpose? Here's how to decide on the language to include in presentations. read more »

A Surefire Way to Achieve Your Purpose in a Presentation

Oct 23, 2022 by Gary Genard

Got great information? A fancy slide deck? Those things are fine, but here's a surefire way to achieve your purpose in a presentation. read more »

How to Dramatically Improve Your Voice in Public Speaking

Jun 06, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to get ahead professionally? Let's hear what you have to say! Here's how to dramatically improve your voice in public speaking. read more »

How Breathing Can Make You a More Focused and Powerful Speaker

Apr 08, 2018 by Gary Genard

Looking for a performance technique that can make you a more focused and powerful speaker? It's as easy as breathing. In fact, that's all it involves! read more »

The Secret Strategy that Will Make What You Say Powerful

Mar 25, 2018 by Gary Genard

Can you 'paint word-pictures' for your listeners? From conversations to formal speeches, it's the secret strategy that will make what you say powerful. read more »

How to Develop a More Powerful Public Speaking Voice

Oct 02, 2016 by Gary Genard

Is your voice as powerful as you'd like it to be for public speaking? Here are three effective techniques for boosting your vocal presence. read more »

10 Techniques for Moving Your Audiences in Public Speaking

Mar 31, 2013 by Gary Genard

When was the last time you listened to a speech or presentation that took your breath away? read more »

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