Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Is Your Passion Showing? — How to Get Audiences to Believe In You

Dec 04, 2022 by Gary Genard

Do you want to give presentations . . . or improve people's lives? For that, your passion needs to show! It's also how to get audiences to believe in you. read more »

How to Make Your Ideas Come to Life

Aug 21, 2022 by Gary Genard

What does it take to become a powerful speaker who can move and inspire audiences? Here's how to make your ideas come to life! read more »

Too Emotional? — How to Handle Yourself in an Argument

Dec 20, 2020 by Gary Genard

Are you too emotional in confrontations so you lose control? Here's how to handle yourself in an argument when you become too passionate. read more »

How to Turn Your Passion Into a Powerful Speech

Aug 12, 2018 by Gary Genard

You may be totally committed to your topic and message. But do you know how to get all of that across to audiences? Here's how to turn your passion into a powerful speech. read more »

Explode! Fly Apart! Disintegrate! — How to Be a Passionate Public Speaker

Jun 11, 2017 by Gary Genard

Are you playing it safe when you speak in public? Here's advice from one of my favorite authors on why your job is to burn the house down . . . today! read more »

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