Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Want To Connect Emotionally With Your Audience? — Here's How!

Jan 07, 2024 by Gary Genard

Want to be someone who can speak to listeners' hearts as well as their minds? Here's an easy and powerful way to connect emotionally with your audience. read more »

Audiences Want to Like You — Here's How to Make It Easy For Them

Aug 27, 2023 by Gary Genard

Does public speaking make you anxious? Audiences are on your side! Here's how to make it easy for audiences to like you. read more »

5 Acting Techniques for Greater Stage Presence in Public Speaking

Aug 20, 2023 by Gary Genard

Actors are the world's best speakers when it comes to moving audiences. Here are 5 acting techniques for greater stage presence in public speaking. read more »

How to Achieve Emotional Power in Your Speeches and Presentations

Jun 18, 2023 by Gary Genard

Want to be a presenter or keynote speaker who moves audiences? Here's how to achieve emotional power in your speeches and presentations. read more »

5 Ways to Be More Effective When Speaking to Leaders

Sep 11, 2022 by Gary Genard

When speaking to the leadership of your organization, you need specific skills. Here are 5 ways to be more effective when speaking to leaders. read more »

Can You Learn Leadership Presence? . . . YES!

Mar 06, 2022 by Gary Genard

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash Are you a current or aspiring leader who can command a room? Here's a key question and the answer you need: 'Can you learn leadership presence? YES!' read more »

How to Come Across as a Leader when You Speak in Public

Nov 14, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you think knowledge alone makes you come across as a leader? When you speak in public, there's more to it! Here's what you need to do. read more »

How to Get Your Ideas Across to Listeners More Powerfully

Mar 21, 2021 by Gary Genard

Sure, you want to speak well. But are you too concerned with performance? Here's how to get your ideas across to listeners more powerfully. read more »

How to Lead Your Audience to Your Important Message

Nov 22, 2020 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to exercise total control as a speaker? Here's how to lead your audience to your important message. read more »

The Voice of Authority: How to Sound Like a Leader

May 31, 2020 by Gary Genard

Do you have the voice of authority and leadership when you speak? Here's how to sound like a leader who projects power and presence! read more »

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