Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Radical Change: How to Transform Your Public Speaking Presence

Jun 26, 2022 by Gary Genard

Do you wish you could speak with every audience member individually? You can make it seem that way! Here's how to transform your public speaking presence. read more »

Show Your Emotions: The Actor's Secret to Powerful Public Speaking

Dec 19, 2021 by Gary Genard

You have great ideas and content. So, how do you give a dynamic performance? Learn the actor's secret to powerful public speaking—show your emotions! read more »

Want to Be a Great Speaker? — Here's How to Be Memorable!

Nov 28, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to be a great speaker or presenter? Then stop trying to be. Here's the right way to be memorable—by committing to your topic and audience! read more »

Too Wordy? — 7 Ways to Speak Concisely!

Oct 10, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you get right to the point to speak with impact? If you're too wordy, here are 7 ways to speak concisely. read more »

4 Characteristics of an Influential Speaker

May 30, 2021 by Gary Genard

Want to speak for leadership and get your voice heard? Learn these 4 characteristics of an influential speaker! read more »

Are They Listening? — How to Make Sure People Pay Attention to You

Feb 21, 2021 by Gary Genard

Do you sense that people stop listening when you present in person and virtually? Here's how to make sure people pay attention to you. read more »

14 Easy Ways to Be a Memorable and Successful Public Speaker

Want to excel with an in-person or virtual speech? When it comes to public speaking, here are 14 easy ways to be a memorable and successful public speaker! read more »

5 Ways to Be a Hit Speaker at Your Next Conference

Aug 05, 2018 by Gary Genard

Do your speeches sink out of sight at conferences? They might, if you look and sound like every other presenter. Instead, here are 5 ways to be a hit speaker at your next conference! read more »

A Powerful Tool to Make Your Presentations More Memorable

Mar 04, 2018 by Gary Genard

Do you know how to reach audiences and move them to action? Use this powerful tool to make your presentations more memorable. read more »

An Actor's Secrets for How to Be a Great Public Speaker

Feb 25, 2018 by Gary Genard

Can you command a stage when you deliver a speech? Discover these actor's secrets for how to be a great public speaker! read more »

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