Are you too emotional in confrontations so you lose control? Here's how to handle yourself in an argument when you become too passionate. read more »
Gary Genard's
Speak for Success!
"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein
Want to be a presenter or keynote speaker who moves audiences? Here's how to achieve emotional power in your speeches and presentations. read more »
How to Get People to Remember and Act Upon What You Say
Are your presentations sticky? That means being memorable and leading people to action! Here's how to get people to remember and act upon what you say. read more »
Do you want to give presentations . . . or improve people's lives? For that, your passion needs to show! It's also how to get audiences to believe in you. read more »
Why Emotions Make You Powerful with Audiences and Readers
Want a captive audience, whether you're writing or speaking? Here's why emotions make you powerful with audiences and readers. read more »
Too Emotional? — How to Handle Yourself in an Argument
Are you too emotional in confrontations so you lose control? Here's how to handle yourself in an argument when you become too passionate. read more »
Why Emotions Make You Powerful with Audiences
Want a captive audience, whether you're writing or speaking? Here's why emotions make you powerful with audiences. read more »