Gary Genard's

Speak for Success!

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Let’s talk about your fear of public speaking.

Then let’s discuss a solution that can help you beat your anxiety, build your confidence, and change your life.

How to Eliminate Your Fear of Public Speaking Forever

If you’re like most people with glossophobia, you’ve lived with your speech anxiety for a very long time. Your feelings on this issue may have affected you personally and professionally. You may even be avoiding speaking opportunities at work, and so missing out on visibility and promotions.

Whether those specific conditions apply in your case, the chances are good that you’re dissatisfied with your inability to stay focused and confident when speaking in public. You know you need to change that, but you’re not sure now. You may have tried approaches in the past that didn’t work, for a very simple reason: they didn’t approach eliminating fear of public speaking as a complete and holistic system.

That’s exactly what the Fearless Speaking System does. That’s the method I’ve developed over the past fifteen years helping professionals cope with and overcome their fear of public speaking. It’s that system, detailed in my book Fearless Speaking that I want to tell you about.

An Easy and Practical Way to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

Available on Amazon

Fearless Speaking will help you step off the merry-go-round of trying to find help for your speech anxiety that has only made your head spin. A technique you’ve heard about there; a chapter in a public speaking book; an online video . . . you’ve probably tried to find information wherever you can.  But approaches like those don’t work because they don’t examine fear of public speaking as a way of life and as a way of performing. Of course, that’s exactly what you’re doing when you give a speech or presentation—entering the arena of performance. And there, your success or failure depends as much on how you feel and what you show an audience as the content you deliver.

Fearless Speaking is a unique approach utilizing performance-based techniques for overcoming stage fright. It can help you dramatically improve your ability to lessen or eliminate your speaking fear in as little as 12 days. The book will help you beat your anxiety, build your confidence, and change your life. Download your free chapter here. Get started today on becoming a more confident, dynamic, and influential speaker!

As an actor, I understand not only the importance of an effective performance, but the problem of stage fright and how it can be overcome. Did you know that some actors experience stage fright just as much as you do? Like you, they may struggle with the negative thinking, emotional distress, and physical symptoms that reduce their ability to speak effectively. When you feel those things, of course, you’re likely to be deeply dissatisfied with your own performance. 

What you need is not a hodge-podge of speaking tricks, but an effective strategy. You need a system that looks at fear of public speaking from every angle, and that also brings your personality into play. Just as vital, you need a set of tools and techniques to apply whenever you speak in public.

overcome stage fright

Curtain Up! — A Public Speaking Toolbox to Conquer Your Stage Fright

In twelve chapters and 50 exercises, Fearless Speaking gives you the benefit of thousands of hours I’ve spent with professionals just like you who suffer from speech anxiety. You’ll learn and practice the Fearless Speaking System: the most comprehensive program you’ll find for eliminating your fear of public speaking.

Fearless Speaking is a self-directed course, with hands-on methods and approaches that absolutely work for reducing anxiety and nervousness. Every day, it’s helping people just like you, from all walks of life and levels of speaking experience overcome debilitating speech anxiety to speak more productively and enjoyably. Each of the pages with the 50 exercises has space for you to include your own personal experiences, so all of it makes sense in terms of what you’re going through as well as your needs and goals.

You can find Fearless Speaking on The Genard Method’s web site here, and at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

If you work on a chapter a day, you should make dramatic progress in as little as 12 days. Or proceed more slowly—either way, you’ll learn how to make life-altering improvements in your self-confidence, your enjoyment of public speaking, and your abilities as a speaker.

overcome fear of public speaking

Beating Your Anxiety: From Understanding Your Fear to Achieving Your Goals

Fearless Speaking takes you systematically through the steps for coming to grips with your fear of public speaking: efficiently, logically, and comprehensively. Here are the twelve chapter titles:

  • Understanding Your Fear of Public Speaking
  • Changing Your Negative Thinking
  • Breathing Techniques for Relaxation and Control
  • Body Language to Look and Feel More Confident
  • Staying Focused, Mindful, and on Message
  • How to Connect with Audiences and Gain Influence
  • Unleash Your Vocal Power!
  • Using Positive Visualization
  • Reducing Nervousness While You’re Speaking
  • Biofeedback for Physical Symptoms and Panic Attacks
  • Setting and Achieving Your Goals
  • Curtain Call! Learning to Love Speaking in Public

You may have read books that claimed to be about overcoming fear of public speaking, but only had a chapter or two on that topic. You’ll see that Fearless Speaking isn’t one of those books—it’s 100% about the most powerful methods that exist to manage and eliminate your speaking fear.

A Hands-on Approach to Overcoming Speech Anxiety

Each chapter includes hands-on exercises so you can practice the fear reduction technique being discussed. You’ll learn about the best approach to handle that particular fear, how to develop positive coping statements, exercises for breathing, relaxation and focus, how to gesture and use body language effectively, and techniques for improving your sense of comfort and control. (You can download a free chapter of Fearless Speaking here.)

You’ll also learn how to start and end your presentations strongly, how to improve your vocal skills, and powerful techniques for reducing your nervousness and enjoying the speaking situation. You’ll also find dozens of tips on becoming a more dynamic and influential speaker. Finally, each chapter concludes with a “Success Story” of someone who used the techniques in that chapter to overcome fear of public speaking.

Take a look (and download that free chapter) at the book that can change your life if you suffer from fear of public speaking. Discover an exciting new world of greater visibility, increased influence, and enjoyment of public speaking, for personal and professional success. 

You should follow me on Twitter here.

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Tags: stage fright,conquer your fear of public speaking,calming your nerves,speech anxiety,fear of public speaking,calm your speaking anxiety

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