An outstanding presentation is like a great song, with the 'music' and words working together. Do your vocal skills rise to that standard?
Outstanding presentations are great performances. Of that there can be no doubt. The content is the message being conveyed, and the speakers' voice is the "music." Clearly, then, how a speaker uses his or her vocal tools goes a long way in establishing their credibility and an audience's willingness to be persuaded by them.
What makes the voice so important a communication tool? The fact is that all human beings respond to other people's voices in ways that go beyond conscious thought. So listeners will have definite opinions about speakers that make them more or less inclined to be persuaded by that speaker.
Some of the vocal tools you possess that can help you include strength or power, variations in pitch, differences in pace, using pauses, and the color or tone of the voice. Together, they make the story you're telling interesting, exciting, or sounding flat.
The Voice has Power and Potential
It's always good to remember that there are physical aspects of the voice just like every other part of your body. Unfortunately, it's so easy to get wrapped up in your content that you forget this basic fact.
Because your voice is physical, it is linked to your level of stress or relaxation. That's why it's helpful to use calming techniques like exercise, yoga, or meditation to learn how to relax. To put this another way: any tension in your life as a whole will certainly be reflected in the sound of your voice.
Your Voice Needs to Flow Freely
Not only the techniques of a well furnished voice, of course, matter to your listeners. Your content must be excellent as well. Your effectiveness as a speaker hinges on your ability to say something important and to say it well. Looking AND sounding good means you have the whole package!
So believe in your message, and try to make it sound as heartfelt as possible. If you do that, persuasion will be something that happens automatically.
Above All, Be Honest in Public Speaking
Once you are practiced in using your vocal tools, you can master the art of using the voice's subtleties. These include vocal coloration, vocal quality, the amount of breath you release, and changing loudness and softness. A speaker who uses these subtle vocal tools will go even further in inspiring and exciting listeners.
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