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Public Speaking Articles

"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Captivate Your Audiences with These Four Presentation Techniques

Would you like to be better at motivating your audiences? An effective route to that destination is to start out by captivating them. It’s easier than you might imagine — especially once you remove yourself from your thinking and start putting your listeners front and center.

Here are four speaking techniques to increase your audiences' enjoyment of your presentations:

1. Improve your contact. We all simply trust someone more if they make eye contact with us. Have you ever bought something from a person who wouldn't even look at you?

Take your time, look at everyone in your audience, and include all parts of the room if the auditorium is large. Your credibly will improve immeasurably. Some people actually avoid looking at audiences because they're nervous. Even worse is using the excuse that you're busy reading your manuscript!

2. Look like you enjoy public speaking. Why has public speaking gained such a reputation as fear-inducing? It should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your audience! 

When a speaker is confident, we believe that he or she has something interesting to say to us. And that, of course, increases our belief that this information is something we should accept and act upon.

3. Use your smile. You do have one, you know! Or did you leave it behind when you stepped up on the stage? Many speakers do!

If you feel that your topic is too serious to actually smile, at least try to look more pleasant. It's amazing what a positive effect such a small thing will have on your listeners.

4. Speak in a more energetic voice.  Remember the last time you had to strain to hear a speaker? It's no fun for your audience, either. Make sure your voice fills the entire space where you're speaking, and be sure to speak up for audience members who may be hard of hearing.

Everyone will then be able to relax and pay attention to the content of your presentation. Isn't that how you want it to be?


Tags: Public Speaking Techniques

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